Bosnia & Herzegovina

European Theatre Night, the Bosnian theatre’s step towards Europe

The night when the theatre breathes for its audience!


Since 2010, the Bosnian National Theatre has acted as the main partner and coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina in the international theatre project entitled Noć teatra Theatre Night.

This unique one day event devoted to theatre and other forms of performance art takes place on the territory of the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina. Theatre Night is primarily consisted of theatre performances, but also includes other forms of theatre art, such as international coproduction projects, hosting the theatre troupes, reading and staging the works of contemporary European authors, promoting diverse language environments, hosting round tables and direct online participation meetings using Internet technology, holding concerts, exhibitions, workshops with game-like activities suitable for the younger age groups, all complemented by the appropriate gastronomic experience.

The core idea of the Theatre Night is to foster the feeling of common cause in sharing the fervour for bringing the people together through culture, to provide the visitors with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the theatre and experience it from another perspective by going behind the scene and visiting the areas normally inaccessible to the public, thus exposing them to the theatre’s behind-the-scenes inner work. Theatre Night invites the public to engage in open dialogue, discussion and the new performances and round tables, striving to establish communication at all levels. The goal of the event is to improve the cooperation between the theatres and create a network of Bosnian theatres.

The Bosnian National Theatre in Zenica, by cooperating on the project with its partner in Croatia, contributes to the international cooperation and the advocacy of cultural diversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region alike.

32 theatres from 16 Bosnian cities partook in the last year’s event. It was the first time in Bosnia and Herzegovina that a project brought together almost all state, entity, canton, regional, city, municipal, private and public theatres, culture centres, institutes, institutions, associations, museums and art organizations.

The Theatre Night is the largest and most encompassing theatre event and deserves a place among the most significant cultural events in the post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The intent and the desire of the Bosnian National Theatre is to open all theatres in Bosnia and Herzegovina on Saturday, November 19, 2011. in a joint attempt to present them to the public as places of gathering, dialogue, social events and as the source of new insights, all of which enriches the regular theatre program and engages the visitors to keep nurturing their interest in the theatre.


The web site of the coordinators for Bosnia & Herzegovina is



Noć kad teatar diše za svoju publiku!

Bosansko narodno pozorište Zenica je od 2010. godine glavni partner i koordinator međunarodnog pozorišnog projekta Noć teatra (Theatre Night) za Bosnu i Hercegovinu.

Ovo jedinstveno jednodnevno događanje posvećeno je scenskim i izvedbenim umjetnostima i održava se na području cijele Bosne i Hercegovine. Program Noći teatra primarno obuhvata pozorišne predstave, a i ostale oblike scenskih umjetnosti (međunarodne koprodukcije i gostovanja, čitanja i uprizorenja tekstova savremenih europskih autora, višejezičnost, okrugle stolove i susrete s direktnim internetskim uključivanjem, koncerte, izložbe, igraonice i radionice za djecu, te prigodnu gastronomsku ponudu).

Osnovna ideja Noći teatra je uživati u osjećaju zajedništva i okupljenosti oko jedinstvene ideje kulturnog zbližavanja, dati posjetiocima priliku upoznavanja pozorišta iz druge vizure, odlaskom iza scene, u prostorije pozorišta u koje publika inače nema pristup, upoznati ih s načinom njegovog funkcionisanja, pozvati ih na otvoreni dijalog, diskusiju, pozvati ih na nove izvedbe i okrugle stolove, te jednostavno otvoriti komunikaciju na svim nivoima. Cilj manifestacije je poboljšavanje međuteatarske saradnje i umrežavanje bosanskohercegovačkih pozorišta.

Bosansko narodno pozorište Zenica u saradnji sa hrvatskim partnerom koordinira programom u Bosni i Hercegovini i time doprinosi međunaradnoj saradnji i promociji multikulturalnosti na bosanskohercegovačkim i regionalnim prostorima.

Na prošlogodišnjoj manifestaciji učestvovala su 32 pozorišta iz 16 bosanskohercegovačkih gradova. Po prvi put u Bosni Hercegovini jedan projekat okupio je zajedno gotovo sva nacionalna, entitetska, kantonalna, regionalna, gradska, općinska, privatna i javna pozorišta/kazališta, centre za kulturu, institute, ustanove, udruženja, muzeje, umjetničke organizacije.

Noć teatra je najveća i najobimnija teatarska i jedna od najznačajnijih kulturnih manifestacija u poslijeratnoj Bosni i Hercegovini.

Namjera i želja nam je da i ove godine, u subotu, 19.11. zajednički otvorimo sva bosanskohercegovačka pozorišta i scene kao mjesta susreta, dijaloga, druženja i novih spoznaja, čime obogaćujemo redovan program, te zadržavamo naše posjetioce.



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